Annual Membership Information

3rd  April 2024 – 31st March  2025

Subscriptions are due on 3rd April 2024 at the cost shown in the table below. From October 1st subscriptions will be approximately halved for the remainder of the membership year.

We prefer payment by credit/debit card through your ClubSpark account, which is our preferred conduit for all memberships and bookings.

If this is not practicable then pay by internet transfer to  Woodborough Tennis Club, Sort code 09-01-27, Account 87844548 using your family name as the reference.

Membership categoryPayment due 1st April
FAMILY (any number of the same family living at the same address)£65
JUNIOR (under 18 on 1st April)£25
UNWAGED (individual) including retired£25
VISITOR FEE£3.50 per person per hour£1.75 per person per hour

Visitors will be given the gate code to enter the courts once online payment has been confirmed by a committee member.

Apply to join the Woodborough Tennis Club by completing the form below:

    Applicant Name (required)

    Age Group (required by the LTA)

    10 & under11 to 1718 & over

    Your Email (required)

    Telephone number

    If FAMILY membership – list additional names below (with ages - required by the LTA)

    Family member name

    Age Group

    10 & under11 to 1718 & over

    10 & under11 to 1718 & over

    10 & under11 to 1718 & over

    10 & under11 to 1718 & over

    10 & under11 to 1718 & over

    10 & under11 to 1718 & over

    Address (including post code)

    Membership Category FamilyAdultJuniorUnwaged

    Were you a member last year? YesNo

    What is your level of play? BeginnerImproverAdvanced

    Are you looking for someone to play with? Choose "Yes" to have your details shared with other members YesNo

    If you answered Yes above, is there anything else you'd like your potential playing partners to know?